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Decision Making Skills

Course Description

The Decision Making for Senior Managers course equips participants with advanced decision-making strategies to navigate complex business scenarios and make informed choices that align with the organization's long-term goals. Through interactive simulations, case studies, and critical thinking exercises, senior managers will enhance their decision-making capabilities, gain confidence in risk assessment, and lead their teams with greater clarity and efficacy.

Topics Covered:  

1. Understanding the Decision-Making Process: Models and Approaches 

2. Analyzing Data and Gathering Information for Informed Decisions 

3. Identifying Decision Criteria and Prioritizing Factors 

4. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies 

5. Ethical Considerations in Decision Making 

6. Decision-Making Under Uncertainty and Ambiguity 

7. Group Decision Making and Facilitation 

8. Overcoming Decision Analysis Paralysis 

9. Learning from Past Decisions and Feedback Loops 

10. Decision Making in Crisis Situations 

11. Implementing Decisions and Measuring Impact 

12. Continuous Improvement in Decision-Making Skills 

Upon completion of this training program, senior managers will be equipped with advanced decision-making techniques, enabling them to tackle complex challenges with confidence, lead their teams through uncertain situations, and contribute to the organization's overall success.

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  • Fees (Flexible)
  • Skill Need
  • Teach InEnglish, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati
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